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Gold Medal and further awards for the iGEM Team Freiburg

Gold Medal and further awards for the iGEM Team Freiburg

The student team from the University of Freiburg succeeded at the international iGEM competition for synthetic biology

Gold Medal and further awards for the iGEM Team Freiburg - Read More…

Grand Jamboree 2023

Grand Jamboree 2023

The iGEM Team 2023 competed at the Grand Jamboree in Paris. We secured a Gold Medal and were nominated for prizes "Best Foundational Advance", "Best Composite Part" and "Best Wiki".

Grand Jamboree 2023 - Read More…

23 Jun 2023 - CIBSS Open Day

23 Jun 2023 - CIBSS Open Day

(iGEM Team) Student Competition in Synthetic Biology: The iGEM Team Freiburg Introduces Itself.

23 Jun 2023 - CIBSS Open Day - Read More…

TV-Interview with Baden TV Süd

TV-Interview with Baden TV Süd

We had the amazing opportunity to give an insight into our lab to Baden TV Süd!

TV-Interview with Baden TV Süd - Read More…