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SynBioWave – A Collaborative Synthetic Biology Software Suite


Synthetic Biology, which aims at constructing whole new genomes, is pushed forward by many users and relies on the assembly of genetic elements to devices and later systems. The construction process needs to be transparent and even at final stages control at the basepair level is required. We are building a software environment enabling multiple distributed users to analyze and construct genetic parts and ultimately genomes with real-time communication. Our current version demonstrates the principle use as well as the power of the underlying Google Wave protocol for collaborative synthetic biology efforts. Many wave-robots with a manageable set of capabilities will divide and conquer the complex task of creating a genome in silico. The initial developments of 'SynBioWave' lay the ground for basic layout, calling and data exchange of wave-robots in a clear and open process, so that future robots can be added and shared easily



  • Silver Medal


Meet The Team




Primary PI

Student Members 

  • David Nellessen
  • Jörg Walossek
  • Paul Staat
